Trade Secret Rapid Oil Wood Gun Stocks
Trade Secret Rapid Oil for Wooden Gun Stocks
World famous gun stock oil as used by the professionals in the trade.

We highly recommend you can turn a dull walnut stock into one that you see on a grade 5 shotgun. Can use on any wood stock inc walnut on airguns its not just for shotgunners but also airgunners too.
“In my view the best Gun Oil on the market. Developed by Michael Smart Gunsmith. What can be achieved use only a tiny small amount and use with your finger rubbing in. Do this over a period of time keep applying to achieve that “Glass/marbled” look. Trade Secret Rapid Oil. Ensure to let each coat dry fully before adding a new coat. Only a small drop is required by Tye Forde, Enfield Sports”
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Trade Secret Rapid Oil for Wooden Gun Stocks
World famous gun stock oil as used by the professionals in the trade.

We highly recommend you can turn a dull walnut stock into one that you see on a grade 5 shotgun. Can use on any wood stock inc walnut on airguns its not just for shotgunners but also airgunners too.
“In my view the best Gun Oil on the market. Developed by Michael Smart Gunsmith. What can be achieved use only a tiny small amount and use with your finger rubbing in. Do this over a period of time keep applying to achieve that “Glass/marbled” look. Trade Secret Rapid Oil. Ensure to let each coat dry fully before adding a new coat. Only a small drop is required by Tye Forde, Enfield Sports”