Browning Legia Wood Metal Plastic Gun Oil
Browning Legia Wood Metal Plastic Gun Oil
Browning Legia Spray – Red (for Metal/Plastic/Wood) – 750ml.
“Browning Legia Improved Formula. This is a MUST for any shotgunner incredible stuff. Ive been using for over 5 years now in guntrade. Its simple easy and offers a magic finish to any shotgun. I use on airguns and firearms aswell. Restores dull plastic back to a shine by Tye Forde, Enfield Sports”
Browning Legia Spray is the ideal product for the maintenance and protection of precision gears.

Being moisture remover, Legia Spray cleans, lubricates and protects firearms. It is the product selected by the best gunsmiths.
Vaporize Legia Spray on the barrels and action, wait for 5 minutes then merely wipe up with a flannelette.
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Browning Legia Wood Metal Plastic Gun Oil
Browning Legia Spray – Red (for Metal/Plastic/Wood) – 750ml.
“Browning Legia Improved Formula. This is a MUST for any shotgunner incredible stuff. Ive been using for over 5 years now in guntrade. Its simple easy and offers a magic finish to any shotgun. I use on airguns and firearms aswell. Restores dull plastic back to a shine by Tye Forde, Enfield Sports”
Browning Legia Spray is the ideal product for the maintenance and protection of precision gears.

Being moisture remover, Legia Spray cleans, lubricates and protects firearms. It is the product selected by the best gunsmiths.
Vaporize Legia Spray on the barrels and action, wait for 5 minutes then merely wipe up with a flannelette.